Cat Throws Up Every Other Day
I don''t know what else to do for her. Sporadic vomiting includes those times when your cat may throw up at least once a day, every day, for up to several weeks.
It was just over two years ago that I decided to quit my
If your vet has ruled out other medical issues and thinks that what your cat is vomiting up is actually food, they may want you to try a commercial, sensitive systems food with your cat.

Cat throws up every other day. Cats with bilious vomiting syndrome have no other gastrointestinal symptoms (diarrhea, weight loss, poor appetite, etc.). My cat is sick every other day, there doesnt seem to be signs of fur balls, theres no worms present and the food content is partially digested,,he is 2 yrs old, very active and full of life,,doesnt appear to be ill in himself,,i have just tried a biscuit diet for sensitive stomaches with no effect,,what could it be,,i am just asking for advise before going down the vets route,,i am not a bad. For instance, yellow and foamy usually means hairball, but thick yellow bile can be a sign of a serious kidney problem or infection, says washington state university college of veterinary medicine.
I read your other answers on cat vomiting and thank you in advance. If you find yourself cleaning up vomit every day or multiple times a day, there is an issue, and a trip to the vet. Since then, she has repeatedly vomited bile, some of which may contain traces of blood as it wipes slightly pink on the towel.
It's been a pain having to clean up after him every day, and i am just wondering what to do. Tue he was better but somehow wed morning when i woke up, i found another hairball and 3 spots where he threw up clear liquid. I brush her every day.
When i heard this i told her that's not normal but she said that he just had a physical exam and he is perfectly healthy. It is definitely a hairball. My cat throws up hairballs every day.
This morning it was about an hour before eating. Two months ago, he vomited two or three times in one week. If your vet has ruled out other medical issues and thinks that what your cat is vomiting up is actually food, they may want you to try a commercial, sensitive systems food with your cat.
You can by the cat treats to help break down the hair in the cats stomach to make it easier for him to cough up the hairballs. Why your ragdoll cat throws up and what might help. He used to occasionally throw up because of something bad he ate, but now he is throwing up food up to twice a day.
Hi, i have a friend whose cat vomits every day, sometimes 2x a day. The vet says that the cat can't permanently be on the steriods. I bought the food that the vet recommended.
What to do if your cat is throwing up. She has some massive hairballs on occasion. The drugs at a higher dose seemed to work, the current dose make little difference.
Now, he usually throws up in the early hours of the morning, and it's usually partially digested food, usually with bile. I buy different foods with hairball control. We have adjusted his food and that did not work, about every other night it is a hairball he trows up with his food, it is only a small amount so i can not figure out what is going on.
They even have it in the markets and cvs, (petromalt, not laxatone) petco has both.the laxatone tastes better to them. I told her that it must be his. They do groom the food off each other a lot at bedtime.
I have a 3 year old female cat and 2 year old male cat. If your cat throws up every day or your senior cat throws up frequently, have your veterinarian examine your cat and be honest about the frequency of vomiting. However, since he came back, he has been throwing up almost every other day.
I even bought the furminator to brush her with. I brought him to the vet a year and a half ago and the vet put him on. Most cats with bilious vomiting syndrome respond well to more frequent feedings.
If you cat is a habitual 'scarf and barf' cat or if they have intestinal sensitivities, that may be causing them vomit up partially digested or undigested food. I am at my wits end. My cat generally vomits every other day.
My cat of 6 years has been eating the same thing every day for almost 3 years and has never had an issue before. Don’t tell your veterinarian that your cat vomits “occasionally” or “pretty often.” She is not a very long haired cat.
This is reduced from 1 a day as our vet wants to wean her off them. He used to throw up a lot before he fell ill, but that was usually right after eating, so we put it down to eating too fast. Is your cat throwing up?
Cat vomiting problems sometimes scare cat owners and rightly so. It will cost over 100 dollars. Every night my cat throws up, he is about 1 1/2 years old and he has been doing this for a while now.
He is now throwing up every day, if not every other day; If you take this cat to the vet, all he is going to do is sell you laxatone or petromalt and charge you for a visit. The fur ball will come.
My cat has been throwing up almost every day for weeks but not after feeding. Hello, my cat threw up a hairball on monday followed by throwing up a little water 4x throughout the day but all other activities seem normal. The female cat is fine, throws up a hairball every now and then.
Our 17 year sweetheart throws up often, the cat hospital said said she. While an occasional episode of vomiting is normal in most cats, it can also indicate a problem such as cat diabetes, feline food allergies, heartworm, cat skin allergies, feline constipation, cat hairballs, and many other conditions. Or you can go to a pet store and buy it yourself.
The male cat, on the other hand, has been throwing up alot this past year and a half and it seems to be getting worse. Poppy is currently taking steriods (medrone v 2mg), half a tablet every other day. Every now and again my cat throws up this thick brown stuff and i gave him some hairball treats and it cleared up again.
If your cat is vomiting every day, refusing to eat or drink,. I will hear him start to heave and then find 2 or 3 puddles of light brown liquid. She gave me three peacefull, non vomit days in a row and threw up a large hairball last night.
Sometimes it only takes one day. Or the other problem could be hairballs. I can see it in the vomit.
I noticed that there would be pieces of my silk plant mixed in so that was moved out of his reach but he continues to throw up. I have a question about my cat throwing up. It takes about a week.
I’m keeping a close eye on him and hoping he cleared his system. This is distinctive from other vomit due to, well, the globs of hair. If you cat is a habitual 'scarf and barf' cat or if they have intestinal sensitivities, that may be causing them to vomit up partially digested or undigested food.
Vomit is vomit, but the color and contents of it can be very telling to what is causing your cat to throw up.
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