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Where Can I Get My Cat Declawed

After being declawed, a cat may refuse to relieve himself in the litter box. Declawing cats is an emotionally charged and hotly debated topic.both the american veterinary medical association and the academy of feline medicine stress that owners should be educated about both the procedure and its alternatives.

Words Wisdom & Pictures — The problem with cats is that

I saw for myself that the claw was gone with just a stitch or two at the end of the digit.

Where can i get my cat declawed. People think that declawing their cat will stop them destroying the house, but we’ve found that declawing rarely solves behavioral problems. We are a 4 cat household, and none of our animals are declawed. They do change at all.

I'm sorry, if an animal hurts my child, where is ruining my house and furniture! A declawed cat frequently resorts to biting when confronted with even minor threats. If you have an indoor cat, i think it's quite ignorant not to have them declawed!

Englar says there could be several reasons for this behavior. Many people think that declawed cats are safer around babies, but in fact, the lack of claws makes many cats feel so insecure that they tend to bite more often as a. Declawing is the amputation of all or part of the last joint in a cat’s toes to prevent their natural scratching behavior.

One physical effect of declawing is a gradual weakening of the muscles of the legs, shoulders and back; When a cat is declawed playing is much more difficult, so many stop playing, which can lead to depression. Should i get my cat declawed?

I got them neutered at one year and declawed at four years. I adopted a cat who was already declawed. If your cat got out somehow and something tried to attack it and your cat was declawed, your cat would die most likely.

A declawed cat will certainly be sore following surgery and often is prescribed medication to alleviate the pain. My cats get along pretty well, although there is that occational cat fight to remind each other the hiarchy and peeking order. Get toys your cat can easily play with.

Declawing a cat can lead to much bigger problems than scratched furniture. I believe in that, too. An emphatic and qualified yes.

Refusal to use the litterbox. Older cats and those who are overweight generally experience more discomfort and may be reluctant to bear weight or lame. 5,528 likes · 16 talking about this.

Changes in behavior can occur. If you do get your cat declawed, just choose a good vet who provides excellent care to your pet. A declawed cat must never be allowed outdoors;

Cats do not even know their claws are missing. The recovery period can vary substantially from cat to cat, but one to two weeks is not uncommon. Since kittens’ bones are so much softer at this stage, the procedure would more likely go smoother compared to that of an adult cat’s.

Once a common remedy used by cat owners to keep their cats from scratching, declawing is actually known to do more harm than good for your cat. This is not a rescue, just a place to post cats that are declawed & in need of rescue or adoption.this is not a place to. Schedule an appointment to discuss options with your veterinarian.

However, getting declawed can be very painful for your cat, so of course you want to give your cat lots of love and make her road to recovery as easy as possible. I hope someone can help me with this question. At ingleside animal hospital, our veterinary team has provided education and insight to help many concerned and caring cat owners decide if declawing a cat.

But, i do know you can get claw caps, it covers the claws and makes them not so sharp. Whether you’re adding a new cat to your family or your current cat has a habit of scratching, you may be thinking about having them declawed. My old cat(she passed away over 10 years ago) was more angry at being spayed than being declawed.

My cat was declawed 8 years ago and he's still a happy cat. Declaw your cat and call it a day. Even indoors, a cat without claws faces dangers.

The reality is many cats are not so lucky. However, i've fallen for an adult cat who is declawed. She/he will still be the fun cat you have always known.

If you want my answer to the question, why should i declaw my. Cat's nails are very sharp whether you trim them/file them. Treatment for these types of serious complications can include hospitalization, aggressive antibiotic therapy, and even additional surgeries.

And it is true, some cats seem to recover, adapt and live what we perceive to be a ‘normal’ life. My cat is declawed and lived a long, normal healthy life. Biting becomes an overcompensation for the insecurity of having no claws.

But because your cat has survived this painful, dangerous and inhumane surgery, does not mean it was worth the risk. It’s a cruel, unnatural amputation of healthy toes. The only thing i would have done differently would be getting them neutered and declawed at the same time.

Other problems can crop up, such as chronic pain, biting and litter box issues. The consequences of declawing are often pathetic. Kittens would also tend to recover faster and adjust to the change better than adults would.

Bungled surgery can result in the regrowth of deformed claws or in an infection leading to gangrene. The avma states that declawing can be considered “when a cat’s excessive or inappropriate scratching behavior causes an unacceptable risk of injury or remains destructive despite conscientious. Its ability to defend itself or escape from danger has been seriously impaired.

When i heard that declawing takes a digit down to the first knuckle, i was horrified! Therefore, cat owners of declawed cats should be committed to keeping their feline friend indoors for the rest of its life. It’s painful and sometimes causes lifelong arthritis type injury due to the way the cat has to learn to walk.

The american academy of feline practitioners (aafp) goes even further by saying it strongly opposes the practice, which is considered a major surgery. I have had my pets declawed before. While we hope that your cat remains safely indoors at all times, if he or she were ever to get outside without claws, your cat would be far more vulnerable to predators and abusers.

Choosing to get both my cats declawed was a good choice for me. This includes my own cat, bubba lee kinsey. It's time to stop hugging the tree!

Let us get to the core of the debate. Cats use their claws to live, if they didnt have them they wouldnt be able to protect themselves.

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