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We bought the Furminator and tried it on 5 cats

 Rachel: Okay, so people have been recommending Furminators or off-brand Furminators for getting cat hair, like loose cat hair off of cats much better than normal brushes So I went ahead and just bought the normal furminator. Uh- Actually this one is the one I bought for my brother's cats and then I bought one for us as well, So today, I'm going to see what it looks like. I haven't even tried it yet. So this is what it looks like.

This is for getting the fur out of the little brush *very softly* Thats some nice weight to it I'm gonna go get Atlas Oh hey buddy, you're right here Love you buddy.

Look at you Look at you. Look at this guy. Oh look. I've got a new brush for you. I've got a new brush for you.

Daniel: I'm working on building a spice rack. R: It doesn't smell like you guys yet You can make it smell like you sniff sniff sniff Hey look at this, look at this static electricity Awww, dude look at all this fur coming off you He's purring Jun: He is R: Aww J: You like it buddy. D: Yep R: Man, this is a lot of static electricity Heh, look, It's sticking at my hand J: It's working great I like this camera It's so easy and compact to use Rachel. R: Yea R: Aww This works really well.

And he does like it Uh-oh UH-OH tail twitching Might be getting annoyed, oh.

He's laying down D: ...uh, I don't know probably just be on the order of fetching tools and what not D: or at least for that project..

. R: Thats crazy! It literally pulls it all out. This is NOT an ad for the furminator by the way, you guys. D:.

..Yeah, I know D: Is that hurting him? R:No, no he's purring like crazy. D: Take it out do it on my head.

R: WHAT?! WHAT? WHAT? D: I wanna see what it's for R: ok.

J: Hey Daniel. D: no. GET THATOFF J: This is- this is for long hair cats R: I can't there's static electricity everywhere. D: long hair cats J: So you might hurt your scalp. J: How's it feel, good?

D: yeah it's not bad. alright R: I don't think it got anything off of your head D: I deem it safe for the cats.

R: Kay J: Furminator, you can now put a text that it is human safe. D: He does not like getting brushed R: He's been purring Look at this. Oh, how much is Andrew feeding you?

Look at this tummy. Look at this tummy~~~ Look at your little old man face. Somebody's annoyed. Oh no. Oh no.

Oh no. Are we done? Are we done being brushed? You wanna be done? J: You think it works well?

R: It works super well, it's just the static electricity is insane Our brushes do not, like, generate all this static electricity. ugh. Okay So, conclusion...

Just a few brushes with the cat and it's very effective. J: He's- He's shedding like crazy though, and he is a long hair cat so R: Look at his tail going Still annoyed I gotta go find Luna. She's uh, hard to catch Ahh!! She gives up really easily Do you wanna smell it?

Oh no, no, no. Lemme get some of this fur off you buddy Look how much fur you got! J: Do they throw up there fur at all? D: No, they don't really eat it all. J: Oh that's good R: They will, if they clean themselves it gets in there.

But some cats are really good about not making fur balls for some reason our cats usually are unless they swallow some. Ohh!! Buddy!!

J: I wonder how well it works on our kitties? R: I'm sure it'll be super super effective too. J: Yeah, but like they're crazy. R: I know this is really insane J: Well this is the Norwegian Forest Cats who has the most like densest fur in the world R: Yeah J: She's crawling R: lil snake crawl Hey!!

A:—Hello Check out your furminator. A:Jesus!! R: Dude. J: It works Super well.

R: Here's watch this, just one wwuu!! A: it's a lot of fur ?: Okay, if we have a third cat D: You should start saving his fur and do something with it at some point R: There's something called needle felting that's popular now, and you can do it with cat hair Basically ball it up into a little ball And then you stab it with this spiky needle a whole bunch And then it sticks to itself.

D: One of the things you should be able to sort by in sandpaper R: woohoo D: there might be oh 40, but I don't think I've heard of anything lower R: Good My review is good although.

It causes a lot of static electricity and these cats. Don't like it. So we'll see how our cats like it Okay, so we are back in Japan and I have our furminator. We actually have already furminated our cats, so they don't have much hair, but they need to get rid of right now, but Lets see how they like it you like it? Nagi: meow~ Can I brush you?

Can I brush you? ah my gawd Nagi: sad meow Can I brush you a little bit? Ok.

And the cat, thank you, oh Okay, well, I'm not doing it very hard, but we've been brushing them fairly frequently, so we don't have much for Need to come up right now Nagi appears to not- ah ma gawd Did you see that it just went straight from his back to my hair It just flew straight at me Kay, well, he's not a big fan All right Poki!!

Hi! Ok come here bud. You're too high up I'm not that tall. Poki: meow I know! You wanna eat.

This is actually for long-haired cats, but it works fine for poki as well.

Aw thank you <3 He's not a big fan either Even though he has short hair he's actually one of our worst offenders of shedding Thanks. Thanks buddy. HAKU~~~ Haku is not. Come here buddy.

J: He's not happy R: come here buddy. Here you wanna smell? Can I- can I brush you? J: He likes it when he's sleepy. But not when he's not sleepy R: Going through Again not too much because J: はい、 cuz I did it three hours ago.

R: We keep this relatively little brush Now it is super effective in getting fur off, our cats Just don't like it, and it like causes a lot of static electricity you can only imagine How bad this will be in the winter when the air super dry and like just touching our cat's shock them.

I worry that this is going to cause like super static electricity issues in the winter What's your word, you review the terminator? J: Five stars out of five R: really? J: It's really good R: Yeah but it causes static electricity and our cats hate it J:Hmm. R: I'd say four or five J: But they chew on every single Brush we've used.

R: Well, I read on the internet and people were like, "cats actually like this brush, like they'll be okay with it." Our cats do not like it. J: They like chewing on that thing. They like that brush. R: Andrew's cats did not like it either I would say, Cats do not like it.

The furminator J: I think it's also timing because Haku really likes it when he's sleepy R: Well he likes everything when he's sleepy. In the videos it looks like we're doing it really hard because like you can see like their bodies are moving and stuff. But it's not like we're doing it really really gently They're just little Buddy hi Can I brush your tummy? 🐱 No, tummy brushing.

Not now, he's not sleepy enough 😾 Can I- Can I brush you?

What buddy? Poki: MEOOOOOW What? You want food? You want food? You still shed a whole bunch I have make up on you can't lick my face.

J: You lucky bastard. R: He takes up a third of our bed at night and our bed is not very big to begin with. You make it really difficult to sleep. You know? He comes right up, and he lays his head on his pillow right next to me He's really laid back.

Look, I'm gonna hold him like this. He's not doing anything Poki you're so laid back. This Video is not an ad for the Furminator by the way. This is just what you guys recommended we get. So went for it J: Is that his paws?

R: No, it's this thing. I don't know why when the cat sit on this it makes weird noises J: Isn't that his paws? R: Maybe it's- Yeah maybe it's his paws on this. His fur is all over this thing J: I just vacuumed Rachel.

Can you don't do that in my kitchen?

I have to vacuum R: LOOK HOW MUCH FUR J: -and get rid of the hair. R: Look it's in the air! J: -before filming that cooking video every single time. please. R: Are you filming a cooking video today?

J: I just told you that I would after this thank you Rachel Thank you. I appreciate it. R: AH It's stuck to my arm that's all over my arm ah You cats are so static alright Okay That is all that is all for now in this video I'll put a link to the formulator down Below Somewhere and comment.

Yeah k. Thx bai.

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